Expressed Sequence Tag — Expressed Sequence Tags (EST) sind kurze DNA Sequenzen von meist 100–800 Basenpaaren Länge, die durch die teilweise Sequenzierung von cDNAs von deren 5 oder 3 Ende ausgehend gewonnen werden. Da cDNAs durch die reverse Transkription von mRNA… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Expressed sequence tag — An expressed sequence tag or EST is a short sub sequence of a transcribed spliced nucleotide sequence (either protein coding or not). They may be used to identify gene transcripts, and are instrumental in gene discovery and gene sequence… … Wikipedia
Expressed Sequence Tag — Marqueur de séquence exprimée Un marqueur de séquence exprimée, ou Expressed Sequence Tag (EST), est une courte portion séquencée d un ADN complémentaire (ADNc), utilisée comme marqueur pour différencier les gènes entre eux dans une séquence ADN… … Wikipédia en Français
Expressed sequence tag — Marqueur de séquence exprimée Un marqueur de séquence exprimée, ou Expressed Sequence Tag (EST), est une courte portion séquencée d un ADN complémentaire (ADNc), utilisée comme marqueur pour différencier les gènes entre eux dans une séquence ADN… … Wikipédia en Français
Expressed sequence tag — Expressed Sequence Tags (EST) sind transkribierte Nukleotidsequenzen, die gewöhnlich durch Sequenzierung einer cDNA Bibliothek erhalten werden. Die EST Sequenzierung wurde von dem US amerikanischen Genetiker Craig Venter entwickelt und ist eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
expressed sequence tag — DNA sequence derived by sequencing an end of a random cDNA clone from a library of interest. Usually, tens of thousands of such ESTs are generated as part of genome projects. These ESTs provide a rapid way of identifying cDNAs of interest, based… … Dictionary of molecular biology
expressed sequence tag — (EST) a short (several hundred base pairs) DNA sequence obtained by randomly sequencing a clone from a cDNA library; the sequence thus represents a portion of an expressed gene and is sufficient to identify the gene to which it corresponds… … Medical dictionary
expressed sequence tag — Abbreviation: EST Partially sequenced cDNA clone. Because the read length of a standard DNA sequencing reaction is shorter than the majority of cDNA clones, full length sequence can only be obtained by further manipulations. For the purposes of… … Glossary of Biotechnology
expressed sequence tag — (EST) A partial gene sequence unique to a gene that can be used to identify and position the gene during genomic analysis … Dictionary of microbiology
EST or expressed sequence tag — — частичная последовательность кДНК (cDNA) [база данных ESTs расположена на веб сайте]. Последовательности содержат до 5% ошибок … Генетика. Энциклопедический словарь
Expressed sequence tag (EST) — A unique stretch of DNA within a coding region of a gene that is useful for identifying full length genes and serves as a landmark for mapping. An EST is a sequence tagged site (STS) derived from cDNA. An STS is a short segment of DNA which… … Medical dictionary